Stationery: red stripes air mail
Cover: from: Ens CR Cummins, OSSLST 661, FPO San Francisco, Calif
to: Master DL Cummins, 6109 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 37, Illinois
Postmark: U.S. NAVY, Aug 2, 9:30 AM, 1944 over “Free” handwritten
some arithmetic in pencil on reverse
24 July 1800
Dearest Ones,
Am all tucked in in my birthday suit prepared to sleep in preparation for a night watch. Can you imagine Robert going to bed this early? We lost an hour tonight, this being part of the cause. Tomorrow we cross the equator and the International Date line, and are consequently initiated into the mysteries of the orders of Neptunus Rex and the Golden Dragon—the former for the equator and the latter for the date line. [there are photos of this ceremony—msc]
The thermometer is high—accounting for my unclothed condition and perspiration marks in the paper.
Today I am beginning another one of my new programs—the novel components of which are: a period of sunbathing in the late afternoon (at the same time do my sadly neglected letter-writing), some form of exercise during the day (probably basketball after the evening meal), and eight hours sleep.
Honolulu was quite similar to any city of its size in the U.S.—except for the absence of apartment buildings, all buildings were one-story then, too, the high proportion of brown and yellow skins. The main form of entertainment was movies. Everyone must be off the streets by 2200.
The famous Royal Hawaiian Hotel On Waikiki Beach is now devoted completely to naval personnel. Here they had almost every form of sport plus other features such as movies, orchestra. Tom and I had a fine time swimming and playing Waikiki Beach this one day.
The day before we left I visited friend’s of Joan on the island. They have an attractive home overlooking a beautiful bay, surrounded by low-lying hills. We had charcoal steak—directly from heaven. They were pleasant, well-informed people—my knowledge of the politics of the island, and the history were much improved. It was wonderful to sit in an easy chair and almost forget about wars for a while.
The sea was rough the first three days keeping the Marines, our tough passengers in the sack for the major portion of the time. Since then we have had a slight continuous roll.
My reading has been fairly plentiful but I have had too many other affairs to attend too. I finished the tests I was giving my men for advancement in rates. This took a long time and much consideration.
We have had several instructional and reasonably entertaining films. Church services have been held each Sunday. These are simple gatherings conducted by one of our physicians—with prayer, music, and a few words of wisdom.
Mom, pop, sis, Loyd—goodnight for now—be back with my pen very soon.
Love and kisses,