Stationery: plain
6:30 PM
Dear chillin,
Everything is proceeding well. I missed all the “trees” the first week—which means that we are at least passing everything. Other than these trees, we never have any information as to the caliber of work we are doing.
Saturday I met Al Green at Floyd Bennett airport, but it was too cloudy to go up in the air. I had dinner with Punky, Alan, and Punky’s sister, and we played bridge after dinner. Then I arrived here, after more experience with the intricate subway system, about 11:30. Punky is expecting a baby in a week or so.
Sunday afternoon I saw a double feature and wandered around for a while. Sunday evening we are all required to attend church. So 2000 of us march to and from the Riverside Presbyterian Church. The service is good, but we do waste so much time coming and going. This church is a beautiful structure. It is impressive, tho, to watch the midshipman march—in their navy blue suits and white caps.
I have a watch tonight—am a sentry (no “c”), so I lose two hours sleep and must miss classes & some studying.
Hope you are well & happy and, mother, that the weather is as ward there as it is here—for your benefit.
Love & kisses, Bobbie