Stationery: “Robert Cummins” in silver, in sans-serif font
Cover: unmarked stationery, red 6¢ airmail stamp plus 2¢ John Adams
Postmarked U.S. NAVY, 144, May 9, 830AM, from: Ens C R Cummins, Flot 30, Ft. Pierce, Fla, to: The Cummins Domain, 6109 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 37, Illinois, Airmail
8 May 1944
Three cheers, chillun!
Once more we are of on our disconnected tour of the continent—this time to Panama City, Florida tomorrow. It is quite likely that we will loaf there for several weeks, just as we have been here for the past two weeks—just read, exercise, see movies. I don’t know anything concerning a leave, but have great hopes of wrangling one soon.
Today I was clearing up essential details. I wrote several letters, and decided to wait to write David and Emil Weis until I know my new address.
I will be aboard an LST (landing ship, tanks). You have probably seen numerous pictures of them. Remember lovely mother, I expect you to know much more than Mrs. Matchett concerning the activities of her son.
Pop, you were correct about being anxious to move. I am completely “fed up” with all the petty politics, deals, etc. here and I hope I can get someplace in the navy where these are minimized and ability is of some account. Then too, I am a “big city” man and these small towns do not present excitement of any sort for a man-in-waiting.
Loyd, congratulations on the bank account—how about a loan one of these days? How are the Chicago belles?
Sis, I am going to write you tomorrow or Wed., so hold your breath until then.
Love & Kisses, Bob