double stripe “AIRMAIL” in lower right corner
from: Lt(jg) CR Cummins
FPO San Fran. Cal.
To: The Cummins
6109 Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, 37, Illinois
Postmarked: U.S. NAVY 6 AUG 1945 over 6¢ red airmail stamp
Censor: double stripe PASSED BY NAVAL CENSOR, initialed FHL (?)
5 August
Dear ones,
A lazy Sunday afternoon—most of us are rather tired because we were kept up half the night by air raid alert. This is the usual case for the majority of the island but for a few days we were in a sheltered nook where they didn’t pay an attention to enemy planes—consequently we had several beautiful nights of sleep. It has been raining consistently the past few days, giving us a more comfortable temperature.
We will be here for a considerable length of time, attending to any duties that they require of us. So far we have been very busy with an assortment of details.
At our last beaching we were able to see several of our old Marine friends. Those ashore are always most anxious to be gracious—partly because they like us and partly because we have many things that they can use.
Everywhere they supply us with plentiful transportation to view the surrounding territory—the devastated cities, empty villages, natives, villages packed with teeming humanity. We have had several interesting tours. The natives seem friendly, usually ready with a smile and a wave of the hand.
They are a mixture of Japanese, Chinese, and Portugese blood. They look strong and healthy, but there are many signs of disease.
Portions of the island were almost untouched by the effects of war. The foliage was still
full, everything in its natural state—except for signs of activity: road-building, trucking, etc. This period of time here has so far been the most interesting we have yet encountered. We have liked it very much and are thankful that were left here rather than sent back to lie around almost indefinitely.
Momie, I’m glad you enjoyed your birthday—here’s another big hug and a kiss just for you.
As long as I am this far away from the states I guess it isn’t much use to send cookies or packages of any sort. One thing I would like to have is a studio glamor (someone besides Ray) picture of pater and mater. What say you, chillun? I hereby appoint Louise as my executive in carrying out this request. Anything of this nature that you send, send airmail. Just last week I received half a dozen 3¢ letters mailed in November—my hopes of getting the rest of my Christmas packages rose. It seems that I have been fortunate in that most of your cookies have gotten through.
Sorry everything there is so scarce. We have been eating well, few things being absent from our diet. My waistline is certainly not shrinking any. Off and on out tank deck is empty and we can a play a little football game, basketball game, or badminton. As yet conditions have been such that I haven’t been down there much.
I don’t remember knowing any Marvin Miller, mother—perhaps you are thinking of Marvin Mitchell, of H.P.H.S. He is a 1st Lt. in the Marines—happens to be on Guam right now—I saw him in the Russells last year, he came to Pelelui in our convoy.
Am glad that you finally got away from the many binging ties for awhile. Some of this hilly, green country here reminded me of the Ohio hills—and the muddy roads (so muddy that a civilain car could hardly budge) of days in the past—e.g. on the hill up to Uncle Loyd’s. We should have mail tonight (first in a week) and learn more of your travels
With a superabundance of affection,