Cover: plain
From: Lt(jg) CR Cummins
FPO San Fran. Cal.
To: Mrs. D.F. Matchett Jr.
6243 Kimbark Ave.
Chicago, 37, Illinois
Postmark: [top invisible] NAVY 20 AUG 1945
Stamp: 6¢ red airmal
Censor: double line, PASSED BY NAVAL CENSOR, with AIR MAIL below, initials THS(?
19 August
Little sister,
You know I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I owed you a letter, especially since one came just yesterday. I’ll answer you letters first thing—
I agree with you—that Russia did the right (strategically) thing in waiting until we were ready to invade Japan before declaring war. I do think that Russia must be handled with kid gloves, and rightfully so—for if there is another was soon it will be with Russia.
I had anxiously awaited news of Loyd’s last interview with the new specialist.
I did thank the Forum for my Christmas gift—you sweet, charming, innocent little child. Ted De Looze’s letter in the latest “Flash” struck home, for we are transporting these same natives on the 661.
I didn’t call from Hawaii because personnel assigned to ships was not permitted to call—I did try every angle, but didn’t want to take any chances of getting someone into trouble. Either Hugh isn’t assigned yet to a shop or the regulations have been changed—or he may have pulled some deal.
David’s guess as to my location was correct. I don’t have much idea of how long we’ll be here. We are hoping to have some glimpse of Japan—we are so near now.
I am quite ready to have some of your cooking—it sounds good in writing, anyway. (? icing ?)
It has only been about a month since I last wrote you.
Well, this takes car of my unanswered letters of yours.
Naturally we are happy and relieved that we can now see our homes in the relatively near future.
There was no great jubilation (except the premature firing when a number were hurt)—most of us just had that certain smile on our faces. Our enthusiasm was dampened by the knowledge that we would be here for quite some time to come.
Now our feeling against the regular navy and stateside boys have been much deepened by the Navy point system—no credit for overseas duty or combat. How they can sit back in their plush chairs and just forget about those who have risked their lives and have been away from home I cannot imagine. I realize they need to keep many ships operating—but why not let the lads who have been fighting the war by their firesides come out for a while. Our idea is to require one year of sea duty before a person can be considered by discharge—brother, wouldn’t you have a run for their nearest congressman or naval patron!
Just this morning I heard that any marriage before Aug 15th would count under the point system. This eliminated a dire grievance of mine, for I had been penalized in points because Joan was in the service.
I am not one given to complaining schwester, but they have committed a great wrong in establishing such a point system. They have ruined all their chances of having any sizable number of Reserve officers and men stay in—of those afloat.
Ta, Ta, sis—just for a few days, of course — Bob
P.S. How does Dave stand?