Envelope: 3 ½ by 6 1/2, plain
Return address: Ens CR Cummins
Flot 30
Ft Pierce, Pla.
Address: Mr. D L Cummins, 6109 Greenwood Ave, Chicago, 37, Illinois
Stamp: handwritten “Free”
Postmark: U. S. NAVY APR 24 1230 PM 1944, wavy lines
Reverse: handwritten in brown in, in another hand: 3660 3058 49th General Hosp.
A.P.O. ℅ [I think] Postmaster San Francisco Cal.
Stationery: 6 by 9 ½, Navy Shield (eagle above, anchors at side), below shield :UNITED STATES NAVY
23 April
Little Laydie,
How are all the Chicago women these days? How do they manage to exist since my marriage? Did my suitcase arrive? Will send a box soon, with a few articles of “decoration” for your room. How is that bed these days?—wouldn’t mind being there. Believe me, I am just as anxious to be back in the manor as you are anxious to have me there.
We turned over our boats this morning, so will be merely biding time with inner suspense until we know our next move. We have been very busy, with attendant lack of sleep—the worst day was: after working all day, we had a practice invasion at night with a 2200 H-hour, then an all-night shuttle service—taking supplies to beach—finally coming in at 0745—then mustered at 0800 for a full day’s work.
Weary Robert is going to retire. Joan called last night—was worried because I had not written. Sleep tight, my loved ones,