Cover: “AIR MAIL” in two red stripes in lower right corner
From: Lt(jg) CR Cummins
FPO San Fran. Cal.
To: Mr. & Mrs. CM Cummins
6109 Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, 37, Illinois
Postmark: U.S. NAVY 16 JUL 1945 over 6¢ red airmail stamp
Censor: PASSED BY NAVAL CENSOR, initialed (maybe LHS)
15 July
Gutend abend, parential,
You didn’t know that I am a linguist, did you?—even Japanese, with “jima, shima, retta, gunto,” et
The ride was a placid one in every respect. We had a rougher day today at anchor than at any time underway.
My mail here so far has consisted of one single letter—from mom—none from Jonie. So once again we must have encountered a peculiar twist in the mail situation. Today I finished your cookies, finding the cake and the candle at the bottom. Thank you for the thought—here is my smile at the discovery [an arrow points to a wide ‘U’] (diagrammatic). It was just a little too hard to eat—but I could have eaten it smothered with fresh strawberries and a mound of whipped cream—have you ever tried this with cake that was rather past its better age? Here’s a great big hug and a kiss to all.
I remember Bernice Wilkerson’s name, but can’t recall her appearance.
Underway it was hot, per usual. The thermometer hit 100º several days, on the others 95º or so. The days must be at hand when your temperatures will equal ours. Our advantage is that the air is fresh and there is usually something of a breeze. Without that breeze, being under the sun is almost unendurable. I present quite a spectacle in my sun helmet, dark goggles, and grease coating—but have saved myself considerable punishment.
We hardly had a moment to rest from our work. Sleep was at a premium. Today I recovered I little of it—sleeping until noon—and I am off this moment to the land of dreams—